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I saw Odell Harris 3 times in 2 days. Period. My blues buddy Jeff Konkel (Broke & Hungry Records) saw him 1 time — at the rollicking all-night recording session that resulted in this unforgettable document. Odell (or "OD" as his closest conspirators called him) lived off the grid. He was an unlicensed roofer who played his North Mississippi Hill Country (mixed with a touch of old-school Memphis) blues at juke joints and houseparties from Nesbit, Mississippi, to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. He also played at my Cat Head store and (later that night) Red's Lounge here in Clarksdale once. He blew me (and all of us in attendance) away. Based on my positive ramblings and confirmation by another blues character, Lightnin' Malcolm, Broke & Hungry Records' Konkel undertook a recording session — sight (and sound) unseen. I'm almost not allowed to talk about the ridiculousness of the all-night recording session in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, but I'll just say that it involved us almost getting our behinds kicked, etc., and as my wristwatch clicked over to 7am and the tapes ran out, Konkel still wasn't sure he even had an album. Well, he did. And it's a doozy, my friends. - Roger Stolle, Cat Head


Broke & Hungry Records.

Odell Harris: Searching for Odell Harris



    CLARKSDALE, MS 38614 (email me)

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