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Scroll down for A) Festivals.  B) Featured accommodations.  C) Monthly club/event listings.


Visit Cat Head's Clarksdale Guide for hotels, tours/transportation & tourism maps.


Clarksdale is "The Festival City," y'all! Book hotel rooms now...


- 12/31, 2024 - Celebrate New Year's at the Crossroads - multiple shows around town!

*****Please keep scrolling for daily 365 music calendar below*****



- Fri-Sun, 1/24-26, 2025 - 15th annual Clarksdale Film & Music Festival -

- 3/29, 2025 - Tater Superbad Blues Festival at The Den Again,

- Thurs-Sun, 4/10-13, 2025 - 22nd annual Juke Joint Festival & Related Events w/100 more blues acts; our biggest festival -

- Sun, 4/13, 2025 - Cat Head Mini Blues Fest (April) 23rd Anniversary! Post JJF,

- Sat, 5/10, 2025 - 18th Clarksdale Caravan Music Fest (Cat Head/Bad Apple Blues Club/Bluesberry) - 10am-8pm -

- Sat., 5/10, 2025 - Pinetop Boogie & Crawfish Boil at Ground Zero Blues Club benefiting Pinetop Perkins Foundation, 4pm till.

- 5/17, 2025 - JUST CONFIRMED - Women In Blues festival -

- Fri-Sat, 5/23-24, 2025 - Ground Zero Blues Club anniversary weekend of daytime/nighttime blues! -

- Sun, 5/25, 2025 - 5th Bad Apple Blues Festival,

- Thurs-Sat, 5/29-31, 2025 - NEW EVENT - Son House Tribute Festival w/John Mooney, Joe Breard & more,

- Fri-Sun, 6/12-15, 2025- B.A.M. Fest (Birthplace of American Music) -

- 6/10-13, 2025 - Pinetop Perkins Experience Workshop, culminating in Friday public show,

- Fri-Sun, 8/8-10, 2025 - 37th Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival -

- Fri-Sun, 8/8-10, 2025 - Cat Head 23rd Anniversary Weekend,

- Sat, 8/30, 2025 - 7th Red's Old-Timers Blues Fest (MLK Park Stage) -

- Fri-Sat, 10/3-4, 2025 (date updated) - Mighty Roots Music Festival at Stovall Farm,

- Sat, 10/11, 2025 (date updated) - Hopson Pumpkin Pickin' Festival (10am-4pm) w/music, kids' activities and more -

- Thurs-Sat, 10/8-11, 2025 - near Clarksdale, MS, in HELENA, AR - King Biscuit Blues Festival & Symposium,

- 10/12, 2025 - Cat Head Mini Blues Fest (October) for Clarksdale Super Blues Sunday -

- 10/12, 2025 - Super Blues Sunday: Tentatively including... Cat Head Mini Blues Fest (9am), Bluesberry Cafe Blues Breakfast (10am), Delta Blues Museum special hours (noon), Ground Zero Blues Club blues brunch (11am), Hopson Commissary/Shack Up Inn's Pinetop Perkins Celebration (3pm)... plus music at Levon's, Hooker Grocer, Red's Lounge, Bad Apple Blues Club and more!

- 10/16-18, 2025 - 33rd Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festival,

- 10/17-18, 2025 - Special blues event TBA... stay tuned, y'all!

- 10/23-26, 2025 - Hambone Festival & Related Events,

- 10/25, 2025 - Cruz’n The Crossroads Car & Truck Show,

- 12/31, 2025 - Celebrate New Year's at the Crossroads - multiple shows around town!



- Visit Clarksdale Tourism, (lodging, maps, free app, festivals & more)

- Mississippi Blues Trail,

- City of Clarksdale,

- Mississippi Tourism (MDA - tourism),


- KSDS - features the "Crossroads Delta Blues Hour" w/Cat Head's Roger Stolle at

- XRDS.FM - Clarksdale blues 'n roots music radio,
- MPB Radio/Hwy 61 Radio Show -
- KFFA 1360AM - "King Biscuit Time", 12:15pm weekdays,



ADVERTISE ON THIS "MUSIC CALENDAR" WEB PAGE! Join the list of banners below — Just $50 per month. (Offer open to blues/tourism businesses/events that we can recommend.) Email

Visit Clarksdale, Mississippi:

Anchor 1

Where's the music?


CAT HEAD MUSIC CALENDAR... keep scrolling, y'all!





Cat Head Blues Store is OPEN EVERY DAY* (with special extended hours during festivals)! Shop in-person Monday-Friday 11am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm & Sunday 10am-3pm. (Open 'patriotic' holidays incl. Labor Day 11am-2pm.) Also open by appointment for tour groups/interviews, etc. *Only closed on Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day. SHOP ONLINE on this website 24/7. QUESTIONS? Email me at, or call 662-624-5992 during biz hours. Thanks!" - Roger Stolle, CAT HEAD store owner.





Clarksdale, Mississippi, hosts 'live' blues shows every single night (plus many days)—365, y'all!

Keep up with blues news, Clarksdale music, Mississippi festivals, Cat Head happenings and more with the CAT HEAD UPDATE E-NEWSLETTERfree "every couple months." Click HERE to read examples. Or go click HERE to join. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)


SHOP CAT HEAD STORE EVERY DAY but Thanksgiving & Christmas, and pick up a printed copy of the week's Music Calendar—Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 10am-5pm and Sun 10am-3pm (plus special hours during festivals/holidays)!​​​​​​​​​​​​


Saturday, 3/1

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Blues Breakfast w/Guitar Frenchie at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - 19th Street Red busks (weather permitting) at Cat Head blues store (252 Delta Ave.).

- Noon-3pm - Lunch & Blues w/Lonely Eddie B at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Hopeless Case Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm-8pm - Dr. B's Open Mic, all levels are welcome (BYOB) at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Rev Robert at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 7pm - KSDS "Crossroads Delta Blues Hour" w/host Roger Stolle (Cat Head), streaming live and later at

- 8pm - Anthony "Big A" Sherrod & Allstars at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Sunday, 3/2

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Music Breakfast w/Tony Boyd at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - Little Joe McClarren Family busks (weather permitting) on CAT HEAD porch (252 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Bloody Mary Sunday w/live blues (act TBA) at Hambone (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Marshall Drew at Hooker Grocer + Eatery (316 John Lee Hooker Lane.)

- 7pm - Guitar Frenchie at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

Monday, 3/3
- 6pm - Happy hour w/Seth Stroud & Walt Busby at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).
- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Mississippi Marshall Hopper at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).
Tuesday, 3/4

- 10am-2pm - TUESDAYS ONLY THRU MARCH 25TH - Buy in-person "JJF Sat-Night Pre-Sale Wristbands" at Juke Joint Festival HQ (243 Delta Ave.); limited quantities; details & online sales at

- 8pm - Rev Robert at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.)

Wednesday, 3/5

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 7pm - Joe McLarren at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave).

- 7:30pm - Free "Movie Night" w/The Stooges followed by the original Shaft at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 8pm -  Cricket's blues band plays at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Thursday, 3/6

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Alanna Mosley at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).

- 8pm - Stud Ford & Will Coppage at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Friday, 3/7

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 5pm - Friday After 5 w/Jay Kirgis at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 5pm-10pm - A Woman’s World w/Cricket, Prayer Bailey, Heavy Suga & The Sweetones at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 6pm - Cary Hudson (from Blue Mountain) and Lou Shields at Travelers Hotel (212 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Justin Howl at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 8pm - Frank "Guitar" Rimmer at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Saturday, 3/8

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Blues Breakfast w/Ray Cashman at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - 19th Street Red busks (weather permitting) at Cat Head blues store (252 Delta Ave.).

- Noon-3pm - Lunch & Blues w/Lonely Eddie B at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Hopeless Case Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm-8pm - Dr. B's Open Mic, all levels are welcome (BYOB) at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Lucious Spiller at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 7pm - KSDS Crossroads Delta Blues Hour w/Roger Stolle (Cat Head), streaming live and later at

- 8pm - Heavy Suga & SweeTones at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Taylor Hollingsworth at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Sunday, 3/9

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Music Breakfast w/Tony Boyd at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - Little Joe McClarren Family busks (weather permitting) on CAT HEAD porch (252 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Bloody Mary Sunday w/live blues at Hambone (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Gramm Phillips at Hooker Grocer + Eatery (316 John Lee Hooker Lane.)

- 7pm - Cricket blues performance at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

Monday, 3/10
- 6pm - Happy hour w/Tony Boyd at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).
- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Joe McLarren at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).
Tuesday, 3/11

- 10am-2pm - TUESDAYS ONLY THRU MARCH 25TH - Buy in-person "JJF Sat-Night Pre-Sale Wristbands" at Juke Joint Festival HQ (243 Delta Ave.); limited quantities; details & online sales at

- 8pm - Anthony "Big A" Sherrod at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.)

Wednesday, 3/12

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 7:30pm - FREE Movie Night w/Mr. Smith Goes to Washington at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 8pm - Heavy Drunk n Watermelon Slim at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Thursday, 3/13

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - BE plays at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).

- 8pm - Watermelon Slim at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Friday, 3/14

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 5pm - BE plays at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 6pm - Sadie Lamp Duo at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 7pm - Allie Middleton at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 8pm - Edna Nicole & Delta Avenue at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Live music TBA at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Saturday, 3/15

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Blues Breakfast w/Guitar Frenchie at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - 19th Street Red busks (weather permitting) at Cat Head blues store (252 Delta Ave.).

- Noon-3pm - Lunch & Blues w/Lonely Eddie B at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Hopeless Case Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm-8pm - Dr. B's Open Mic, all levels are welcome (BYOB) at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Stud Ford & Will Coppage at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 7pm - HeartBreak Hill at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 7pm - KSDS Crossroads Delta Blues Hour w/Roger Stolle (Cat Head), streaming live and later at

- 8pm - CHANGE OF VENUE: Anthony "Big A" Sherrod & Allstars at Auberge/Old Madidi (164 Delta Ave.) instead of Red's 

- 8pm - ADDITION: Deak Harp at The Den Again (220 Yazoo Ave.).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Sunday, 3/16

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Music Breakfast w/Tony Boyd at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - Little Joe McClarren Family busks (weather permitting) on CAT HEAD porch (252 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Bloody Mary Sunday w/live blues (act TBA) at Hambone (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Seth Stroud & Walt Busby at Hooker Grocer + Eatery (316 John Lee Hooker Lane.)

- 7pm - Lucious Spiller at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

- NOTE - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS late March (updates soon:

Monday, 3/17
- 6pm - Happy hour w/Marshall Drew at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).
- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Gypsy at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).
Tuesday, 3/18

- 10am-2pm - TUESDAYS ONLY THRU MARCH 25TH - Buy in-person "JJF Sat-Night Pre-Sale Wristbands" at Juke Joint Festival HQ (243 Delta Ave.); limited quantities; details & online sales at

- 8pm - J.W. Francis at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.)

Wednesday, 3/19 - Ground Zero Blues Club REOPENS!

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Live music (act TBA) at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Heavy Drunk & Watermelon Slim & John Allouise at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave).

- 7:30pm - FREE Movie Night w/All The President's Men at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 8pm - Steve Kolbus Blues Revue at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Thursday, 3/20

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - TBA at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 6pm - Ray Cashman at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).

- 8pm - Lucious Spiller Band at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Blues Jam hosted by Big T & Family at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Friday, 3/21

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 5pm - Stud Ford (T-Model's grandson) & Will Coppage at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 5pm till - Crawfish & Music w/Ray Cashman, Watermelon Slim, Blackwater Trio at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 7pm - Marshall Drew at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 8pm - Rev Slim & G-Town Sound at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Heavy Suga & the SweeTones at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Saturday, 3/22

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Blues Breakfast & Lunch w/T-Model Ford's Grandson Stud Ford & Will Coopage at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- Noon-3pm - Lunch & Blues w/Lonely Eddie B at Delta Blues Alley Cafe (352 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Hopeless Case Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm-8pm - Dr. B's Open Mic, all levels are welcome (BYOB) at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Preston Rumbaugh at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 7pm - Steve Kolbus & Lala Craig at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 7pm - KSDS Crossroads Delta Blues Hour w/Roger Stolle (Cat Head), streaming live and later at

- 8pm - Anthony "Big A" Sherrod & Allstars at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Lady Adrena at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Sunday, 3/23

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Music Breakfast w/Massimo Bevilacqua at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - Little Joe McClarren Family busks (weather permitting) on CAT HEAD porch (252 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Bloody Mary Sunday w/Roll Cage Mary (no relation) at Hambone (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Charlotte Taylor at Hooker Grocer + Eatery (316 John Lee Hooker Lane.)

- 7pm - Anthony "Big A" Sherrod at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

Monday, 3/24
- 6pm - Happy hour w/Gramm Phillips at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).
- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/
Joe McClarren at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).
Tuesday, 3/25

- 10am-2pm - TUESDAYS ONLY THRU MARCH 25TH - Buy in-person "JJF Sat-Night Pre-Sale Wristbands" at Juke Joint Festival HQ (243 Delta Ave.); limited quantities; details & online sales at

- 8pm - Massimo Bevilacqua at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

Wednesday, 3/26

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Live music (act TBA) at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 7pm - Watermelon Slim & John Allouise at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave).

- 7:30pm - FREE Movie Night w/The Marx Brothers Duck Soup at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 8pm - Heavy Suga & SweeTones at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 8pm - Lucious Spiller at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Thursday, 3/27

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - TBA at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 6pm - TBA at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).

- 8pm - Edna Nicole & Delta Avenue at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Blues Jam hosted by Lala & Element 88 at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Friday, 3/28

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - Jay Kirgis at The Den Again (220 Yazoo).

- 8pm - Anthony "Big A" Sherrod & Allstars at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Muddy Alexander at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Saturday, 3/29

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Blues Breakfast w/Watermelon Slim at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11:30am-7:30pm - Mr. Tater Superbad Blues Festival at The Den Again (220 Yazoo) w/all-star performances by friends of Tater—including Lightnin' Malcolm, Sean "Bad" Apple, RL Superbad & more; tickets at door include a meal; benefits Diaper Bank of the Delta; details at

- 1pm-3pm - Hopeless Case Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- (3pm - closed today for private tour group at Bad Apple Blues Club.)

- 5pm - Stan Street Art Show at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.).

- 6pm-8pm - Dr. B's Open Mic, all levels are welcome (BYOB) at The Blue Room (216 3rd St.).

- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Preston Rumbaugh at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 7pm - Ralph Miller at Levon's Bar & Grill (232 Sunflower Ave.).

- 7pm - KSDS Crossroads Delta Blues Hour w/Roger Stolle (Cat Head), streaming live and later at

- 8pm - Terry "Harmonica" Bean at Red's Juke Joint (395 Sunflower Ave.)

- 8pm - Country-Rock Night w/American Blonde at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).

Sunday, 3/30

- 10am (open 8:30am) - Music Breakfast w/Ray Cashman at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).

- 11am - Little Joe McClarren Family busks (weather permitting) on CAT HEAD porch (252 Delta Ave.).

- 1pm-3pm - Bloody Mary Sunday w/live blues (act TBA) at Hambone (111 E 2nd St.).

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 6pm - David Dunavent at Hooker Grocer + Eatery (316 John Lee Hooker Lane.)

- 7pm - Watermelon Slim at Auberge Hostel/Old Madidi Bar (164 Delta Ave.).

Monday, 3/31
- 6pm - Happy hour w/David Dunavent at Hopson Commissary (1 Commissary Cir.).
- 7pm - Blues Dinner w/Alessandro Ponti & Da Bones Man at Bluesberry Cafe (235 Yazoo Ave.).
Tuesday, 4/1

- 8pm - Hopeless Case Blues Band at Hambone Gallery (111 E 2nd St.)!

Wednesday, 4/2

- 3pm - Sean "Bad" Apple's Blues Music & History Show at Bad Apple Blues Club (349 Issaquena Ave.).

- 8pm - Live blues TBA at Ground Zero Blues Club (0 Blues Alley).



Wed., 4/9 - 2pm & 3pm - Crossroads Connection Event at 2pm (free public event on outdoor stage) & Ticketed Fundraiser w/Billy Gibbons & Charlie Musselwhite inside at 3pm (tix on sale 3/17) at Delta Blues Museum - details at; (1 Blues Alley).

RED'S LOUNGE (395 Sunflower Ave), 8pm:
JUKE FEST WEEK at Red's....

Mon., 4/7 - Live blues TBA, 8pm
Tues., 4/8 - Heavy Suga & SweeTones, 8pm
Wed., 4/9 - Edna Nicole & G-Town Sound, 8pm
Thurs., 4/10 - Carlos Elliot Jr feat Bobby Gentillo: "A Tribute to Red Paden & RL Boyce," 8pm
Fri., 4/11 - Robert Kimbrough Sr. Blues Connection, 8pm
Sat., 4/12 - JUKE JOINT FESTIVAL Wristband Required for 6pm Little Willie Farmer, 7:30pm Edna Nicole, 9pm Big A & Allstars!
Sun., 4/13 - Big Red's BLUES JAM hosted by Big A, 8pm (proceeds benefit Red's Old-Timers Blues Fest).
Mon., 4/14 - TBA

Fri., 4/18 - Jesse Cotton Stone, 8pm


Sundays 7pm at Auberge:

4/6 - Alessandro Ponti & Da Bones Man
4/13 - HeartBreak Hill
4/20 - Terry "Harmonica" Bean
4/27 - Guitar Frenchie

THE BANK (123 E 2nd St):

Wed., 4/9 - Amana D'ja Designs "Spring Fashion Show" w/live blues by Carlos Elliot Jr from 1-3pm and runway 4-7pm.

HOPSON COMMISSARY (1 Commissary Cir.), including a bit of blues:

4/3 - Tony Boyd
4/7 - Alessandro Ponti & Da Bones Man

CAT HEAD BLUES STORE... you're on our website (252 Delta Ave):

Friday, 4/11:
- 10am - Randy "19th Street Red" Cohen plays porch.

- 11:30am - Sean "Bad" Apple plays porch.

- 12 noon - "Memphis: Juke Joints, Civil Rights & Soulful Nights" book signing with Adam David (inside).

- 1pm - blue legend John Primer plays porch.

- 2pm - John Primer "Grown in Mississippi" CD signing (inside).

- 2:15pm- 98-year-old (tomorrow!) Cadillac John Nolden w/Bill Abel plays porch.
- 3pm - Ms. Australia "Honey Bee" Jones plays porch.

- 3:45pm - Ghalia Volt plays porch.

Saturday, 4/12: JJF Stage, 10am-5pm,

Sunday, 4/13: Cat Head Mini Blues Fest—10am-5pm—FREE show starring Lucious Spiller 10am, Rev Peyton's Big Damn Band 11am, Sean "Bad" Apple 1pm, Layla Musselwhite 2pm, Big T & Family w/Miss Gladys 3pm, Big A & Allstars 4pm. Plus, Orlando "Little Red" Paden sells BBQ in street!

AGAINST THE GRAIN (next door to Cat Head):

Thursday April 10 

   Honey Child duo 5 - 5:45 

   Reverend Robert 6 - 6:45

Friday April 11

   Ramblin’ Dan 5 - 5:45 

   Ray Cashman 6 - 6:45 

Massimo & Stuart   7 - 7:45



CAT HEAD DELTA BLUES & FOLK ART: Shop "Mississippi's blues store in Clarksdale since 2002" 252 Delta Avenue STORE Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 10-5 & Sun 10-3 plus extended hours for festival weekends (or by appointment;; every day but Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Plus, shop WEB STORE 24/7 at


FREE AUDIO WALKING TOUR (smartphone app): Download Visit Clarksdale Tourism's FREE Audio Walking Tour of our historic downtown. Info:


VISIT CLARKSDALE'S DELTA BLUES MUSEUM: Mon-Sat, 10-5pm (EXCEPT for "holiday" hours/closures) AND/OR take the free Muddy Waters virtual tour at


DELTA BOHEMIAN TOURS: Take a real, in-person driving tour with master guide (and local "character") Chilly Billy Howell in his iconic red Jeep. Details at




- Need a tourism map? Go here.

- Want free Audio Walking Tour app? Go here.
- Need a pro tour guide? Go here.
- Want "Shared Experience" w/local musician, artist or entrepreneur? Go here.
- Need a place to stay? Go here.



Biloxi website at (ticketing website

Ground Zero Blues Club​​























































round zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival ground zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival ground zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival ground zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival #groundzerobluesclub #redslounge #club2000 #deltabluesroom #shackupinn #hopsoncommissary #hamboneartandmusic #bluesberrycafe #jukejointfestival #clarksdalecaravanmusicfest #sunflowerriverbluesfestival #clarksdalemississippi #crossroads ground zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival ground zero crossroads blues juke joint jook club live music web calendar red’s lounge po monkey’s cat head cathead robert johnson venue concert blues blues blues blues jam mississippi delta mississippi delta clarksdale clarksdale clarksdale hopson gzbc crossroads juke juke joint festival sunflower river king biscuit king biscuit highway 61 bb king homecoming otha turner picnic delta blues heritage festival houseparty band t-model ford robert belfour pat thomas duck holmes blue front cafe hambone madidi rock web calendar web calendar live music page schedule shows weekend blues blues festival festival #groundzerobluesclub #redslounge #club2000 #deltabluesroom #shackupinn #hopsoncommissary #hamboneartandmusic #bluesberrycafe #jukejointfestival #clarksdalecaravanmusicfest #sunflowerriverbluesfestival #clarksdalemississippi #crossroads,p7 ,.



CLARKSDALE, MS 38614 (email me)

662-624-5992 (no voicemail) OPEN: Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sat 10-5 & Sun 10-3. PLUS open by appointment. Patriotic holidays till 2pm. (Only closed Thanksgiving & Christmas Day!)


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© 2002 Cat Head Delta Blues & Folk Art, Inc. • Clarksdale, Mississippi

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